JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

August 27, 2021

September Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,News,Newsletter — Tags: , , — The Editor @ 4:16 pm

Here comes Fall, and JAK’s Place is celebrating its eighth birthday. Don’t miss our Open House on Saturday, September 20, from 11am to 1pm. At noon, some lucky person will win a queen size quilt. There’s still time to buy raffle tickets (hint hint hint).

Our newsletter is undergoing some changes. This is the last JAK’s Place-only issue. Next month the new NAMI Door County and JAK’s Place combined version becomes the norm.

We are also thinning our mailing list. Quite a few people who get the NAMI Doorways simply because their name got on the list will soon be dropped, unless they opt to receive email notification instead. It costs a lot to print and mail paper newsletters, and practically nothing to upload PDF files and send a “monthly spam.”

September 2014 newsletter (PDF)

September 2014 Calendar (PDF)


July 28, 2021

August Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,News,Newsletter — Tags: , — The Editor @ 1:34 pm

Wassup? Lots! Summerfest was a great success, considering how short a time we had to plan and prepare. There will definitely be more fundraisers of this sort. We’re planning a Second Chance silent auction at our Open House, September 20,  for the few items that didn’t sell.

The CSP Picnic will be at Sunset Park on Thursday, August 21, from 11am to 3:30 pm. JAK’s Place will be closed that day.

Our next Valmy Brat Fry is at the end of this month; four days, from August 29 through September 1. Get in on the fun — volunteers will be needed for morning or afternoon shifts each day. You get to smile at dozens of people — many of whom probably really need a smile — and eat one of Welsing’s awesome brats, while helping JAK’s Place.

There will be no Faith In Recovery on Friday, August 8.

NAMI Doorways Aug-Sept 2014 (PDF)

August 2014 Calendar (PDF)

SummerFeast silent auction

SummerFeast silent auction - volunteer ticket-takers

Kyira Hauer of NAMI Wisconsin visited us on the day of our annual picnic.

Kyira Hauer

Kyira at the NAMI Door County picnic


June 28, 2021

July Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,News,Newsletter — The Editor @ 5:13 pm

The biggest news, of course, is our new fundraiser — SummerFeast. On Friday, July 11, we’re having a dinner and silent auction to raise money for JAK’s Place.The event will be held at Hope United Church of Christ, 141 South 12th Avenue in Sturgeon Bay. We’ll be serving ham or chicken with side dishes and dessert. Tickets are $8 each or $10 at the door. Dinner will be served from 5pm to 7pm.

Silent aucion items are being gathered from all over Door County. All sorts of merchandise, handicrafts, and services will be available to bid on — everything from gourmet coffee to computer tune-ups!

Most of you may not be aware of how much it costs to keep a drop-in resource center like JAK’s open and running. It’s not just heat and lights; we are still making payments on a mortgage with the end far out of sight, paying staff members, and facing the ever multiplying expenses of building maintenance. We’re not complaining, but we need all the help we can get in order to help others.

So, spread the word!

July Newsletter (PDF)

July 2014 calendar (PDF)



May 31, 2021

June Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: Events,News,Newsletter — The Editor @ 11:21 pm

Summertime — gardening, picnics, art on the lawn. Come play with us at JAK’s Place.

Our first Brat Fry was a good one, great weather and lots of brats sold. We’re only having one more this year, but there are other events to get excited about. Tickets are on sale now for our third quilt raffle. In July, we’ll have the annual NAMI Picnic-but we’re also planning a fundraising dinner, with a silent auction, to be held in July. Let’s make summer happen!

NAMI Doorways_6-2014 (PDF)

June 2014 Calendar (PDF)


May 12, 2021

Warning in Google search

Filed under: General interest,Update — Tags: , , — The Editor @ 2:57 pm

It was brought to our attention that, in a Google search for JAK’s Place, there was a warning that the site may be hacked. The source of the problem has been found and eliminated. There was NO malware that could infect your computer, merely some hidden spam links, which affected only search engine results.

Site security is being tightened up to prevent more of this sort of thing from happening.

One should always pay attention to such warnings. Many websites are hacked every day. Some of them may have malware that can instal through your web browser without your consent or knowledge, so it’s not a good idea to ignore a warning.

AVG safety report

Is It Hacked

Note: Even after a site has been cleared, Google may continue to report problems due to cached information. (Google keeps a kind of backup of everything it finds.)

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