JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

September 29, 2020

October Newsletter and Calendar (revised)

Filed under: Events,General interest,Mental health,News,Newsletter — The Editor @ 4:22 pm

Welcome to autumn. :)

The month kicks off with Mental Illness Awarenesss Week, yet another time dedicated to dragging reality out of the closet to get some fresh air. As usual, NAMI Door county will have a display at the Sturgeon Bay Library. The libraries will be presented with eight copies of a book by a local writer, Tara Meissner. Stress Fracture is the story of her ordeal and recovery.

An event worth noting will be held at Stone Harbor Resort and Conference Center, 107 North First Ave, Sturgeon Bay. On October 7, beginning at 6pm with a Resource Fair and hors d’oeuvres, it will feature a presentation by Rob Valentine on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders: Strength Through Understanding

On a lighter note, the annual JAK’s Place / CSP Halloween Party will take place from 1-3pm on October 31. Dress up for prizes! There will be plenty to eat.

Here is the first issue of our new unified newsletter. From now on, there will be no separate NAMI Door County or JAK’s Place newsletter.

NAMI Doorways Oct. 2014 (PDF)

And, of course, the calendar.
October 2014 Calendar (PDF)
NOTE: The calendar has been revised, and a fresh copy uploaded. We will be CLOSED on Wednesday, October 15

The winner of our third quilt raffle, held during the annual Open House on September 20, was Kris Wagner-Maclean.

Kris Wagner-Maclean with quilt

The winnah!

Thanks to Bettie Greenwood for another beautiful quilt.


May 12, 2021

Warning in Google search

Filed under: General interest,Update — Tags: , , — The Editor @ 2:57 pm

It was brought to our attention that, in a Google search for JAK’s Place, there was a warning that the site may be hacked. The source of the problem has been found and eliminated. There was NO malware that could infect your computer, merely some hidden spam links, which affected only search engine results.

Site security is being tightened up to prevent more of this sort of thing from happening.

One should always pay attention to such warnings. Many websites are hacked every day. Some of them may have malware that can instal through your web browser without your consent or knowledge, so it’s not a good idea to ignore a warning.

AVG safety report

Is It Hacked

Note: Even after a site has been cleared, Google may continue to report problems due to cached information. (Google keeps a kind of backup of everything it finds.)


May 9, 2021

Mental Health Month Links

Filed under: General interest,Mental health — The Editor @ 1:35 pm

Here are some good articles from NAMI:

Celebrating Recovery through Work

10 Tips for Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

What HIPAA Means for Mental Illness

Help for Veterans Involved in the Justice System

Tell Your Story

Exploring the World of Human Emotions


November 24, 2020

December Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: General interest,News,Newsletter — The Editor @ 3:02 pm

Ho ho ho! and all that holiday cheer stuff. No bag of presents here, but we have a jolly old newsletter, full of photos of the past and thoughts for the future.

NAMI Doorways (PDF)

NAMI Doorways (PDF) “Lite” A slightly smaller download for slower connections

Calendar Dec. 2013 (PDF)

It’s not healthy to dwell on the past, but if we never look back, we have nothing to build on, no clues as to how we could do something better next time. The month of January is named for the Roman deity Janus. He is represented as having two faces, one looking backward and one forward. The beginning of a new year is a door into the future. We can look backward. but there’s only one way to go-ahead.


November 5, 2020

Computer News Update

Filed under: General interest,News,Update — Tags: , , , , — The Editor @ 3:18 pm

U-verseOn November 4, AT&T installed their U-verse hi-speed Internet at JAK’s. We now have much better download speed. It should be possible to watch Youtube videos without all the stopping and jerking. :)

The other important change is our new(er) public computer. The old one is awaiting reassignment to some new job. The new computer, nicknamed “Dusty” because it hadn’t been cleaned inside since it was a puppy, is better and faster. It has an operating system that is not familiar to most of our visitors. Debian, one of the most widely used members of the Linux family of operating systems, is very different from Microsoft Windows. But then, there are also great differences between versions of Windows!

The old computer had Windows XP as its operating system. That was a problem, since XP is being abandoned by Microsoft. Eventually, there would be no updates or new software available for it. Things are always changing, including the Internet. In a few years, we might not have a web browser capable of loading many websites, or accessing some email. Debian will continue to update and improve for as long as we want to use it. Besides that, Linux systems are more secure than Windows — and less likely to be attacked. Windows is a favorite target because it is so widely used as well as being more vulnerable.

Despite all the differences, Debian is just as convenient as Windows for everyday use. If all you want to do is play on Facebook, check your email, or search the Internet for information, you won’t notice any difference at all. If you open or create and save documents, or play music or movies, you will see unfamiliar programs, but they perform the same functions.

So don’t be afraid to test-drive the new system. The web browser has the same familiar homepage, with its handy links. There’s a nice Solitaire game (and more games, if you care to explore the “applications” menu at the upper left corner of the screen).

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