JAK's Place

A drop-in resource center for persons affected by mental illness, and their friends and family.

January 1, 2021

January 2013 Newsletter and Calendar

Filed under: News,Newsletter — Tags: — The Editor @ 5:08 pm

Yes, a new year is here. JAK’s Place has now seen six of them come. We hope for many more, and for more friends to help us celebrate them 🙂

Every new year brings changes and challenges. JAK’s Place and NAMI-DC face plenty of both this year. One challenge is finding new board members with the energy and insight to carry us forward through all the changes. Another is the perennial struggle to make ends meet. With budget cuts shrinking our funding, we will need every bit of support we can get. But we do have our angels that turn up unexpectedly when they are needed.

January Newsletter

January Calendar


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